

Good school attendance is the first step in helping children become successful in school.  Frequent absences hurt a child's academic performance.  Although occasional student absences cannot be prevented, we encourage regular student attendance.Verification by a parent can be made by phone, note, message left on the recorder, or in person


A student may be excused legally (valid excuse) from school when the absence is for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness or injury of the student
2. Medical, dental, optometrist, or chiropractic services rendered.
3. Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family.
4. Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunization
5. Exclusion from school because student is either the carrier of a contagious disease or not immunized for a contagious disease.
6. Upon written request of the parent or guardian and prior approval of the Principal and pursuant to board policy, a student's absence may be excused. Reasons include, but not limited to: a) Appearance in court b) Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion c) Attendance at funeral services for someone that is not a member of the immediate family. D) Parent returning from active military deployment.


Absences for reasons other than the above Excused Absences are considered unexcused for truancy purposes.


Parents must see the school office to sign the student out for the day. 


Independent Study contracts are available for absences of five or more days.  Please contact the office a

minimum of two weeks  in advance to make arrangements.

Completed work must be turned in per the contract or the absence will be unexcused.


Students who are not in line when the bell rings are considered tardy.  Repeated tardies may become a truancy issue requiring a hearing with the School Attendance Review Board.


Any student who is absent from school unexcused and/or over 30 minutes late unexcused for more than 3 days is legally truant.  A student may not leave the school premises while school is in session except in case ofan emergency or approved early dismissal.


State law or county health ordinance requires that children are excluded from school for these reasons:  contagious health problems or lack of immunizations.
Parents may contact the school or county public health department for more information on communicable diseases such as chicken pox, pink eye, or hepatitis if unsure of when students may return to school.
Head lice causes children to miss important class time if not cleared up right away. Parents are expected to treat, remove all eggs (nits), and return the student to school within 24 hours.


Students shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided, and upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit.